Hoda for Companies

We maximize the value of data offering to Companies the enrichment and the empowerment of their information and the most effective tools to segment and activate it. Our offering generates significant data valorisation, providing innovative solutions for marketing and communication

Discover our innovative platform and its modular components 


…created for Companies with customer relationships on digital platforms 

 …offered in white label, customizable by the Company with own style 

…able to create a media channel integrated with the typical vertical activity of the existing platform. This generates new, significant value as well as innovative opportunities for customer satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty.

Let’s see how 


The opportunities for Companies, in detail:  

Providing digital community users with a wallet

The Wallet is a technology defined and codified at European level (EUDI wallet; wallet for the digital Euro, etc.) that enables users to securely manage their data in a decentralized and autonomous way. It thus achieves very high levels of privacy and user awareness, as required by European legislative orientation

Marketing literature refers to the Wallet as the 5th digital media channel, as it’s equipped with an advanced media component. It’s considered the digital channel that will have more development and longevity compared to the current ones, which are increasingly limited by a push-only communication logic (non-participatory), by the cookie apocalypse, and by the new privacy regulations 

Having more data, more easily and with fewer risks than before: user decides and manages

The Wallet features data-takeout functions powered by Weople: users personally acquire their data, manage and control their sharing, in strictly anonymous form, within the platform 

Hoda will enrich and integrate the incoming dataset with Wekosmos Database, also fed by Weople (thus statistically well-connected). The enrichment procedures are exclusively statistical and probabilistic, i.e., they use statistical data models and never row-by-row techniques.

A comprehensive and consistent database, called Audience+, will then be created and be available to the Company. Thanks to Hoda’s intelligence and addressment interfaces it will fuel contact activities on the new channel 

Ensuring zero privacy risks and a significant reduction in discussions between marketing and legal departments regarding data usage

Data is anonymous: the user is only an anonymizing Decentralized ID, which makes the wallet addressable 

Data is managed directly by users, even in terms of sharing and usage authorizations. These features are guaranteed by a specific contract and by a complete and constant reviewability 

Sharing part of the value with customers with very relevant implications in terms of success

Data sharing, decided by the user, implies a sharing-back of its value: every communication activity will thus be data-driven and each result, in terms of user reaction, will produce a counter-value, expressed in tokens, for the user himself 

This has a revolutionary and extremely modern relevance: it has never happened that people’s data is not only respected but also valued for the users themselves; as it has never happened that, to view a communication or to evaluate an offer, a user gained something 

Furthermore, it’s highly convenient: every communication and offering activity becomes an opportunity for engagement and customer satisfaction. Also, it’s a reason for users to enter the platform beyond its vertical functions, which not only remain but also benefit from these new value activities 

Using the communication channel for exclusive purposes, co-marketing activities, or even selling spaces to third parties

The Data segmentation and contact addressment interfaces, provided by Hoda and managed by the Company with constant support, will allow easy and secure management of all these purposes 

The valorisation of actions in tokens for the users is defined by the Company each time. The management of tokens and of the underlying smart contracts are features provided by Hoda as a component of the overall platform 

The Company will have the possibility to add a new asset of great value to its balance sheet, i.e., the digital communication channel

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Moreover, the strong social sustainability imprint of a media channel that shares the generated value and that protects the data of users falls within the ESG scopes

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I servizi modulari per la Community Empowerment Platform


Wallet con esempi in mock-up (migliorare l’esistente) Da fare: questa rappresentazione la metterei, nel sito, perché fa capire molto al potenziale utilizzatore-azienda (e magari la riprendiamo anche nella parte Hoda for people, quando sarà il momento) 


Data takeout powered by weople nel wallet + dati d’uso da funzionalità vertical dell’app + Wekosmos (a moduli di dati, vedi sezione 6), grazie alla Data Integration operata da Hoda, genera >>>> Audience+ Da fare 


Data intelligence, Data-Segmentation e Data-driven addressment delle attività: il Dotconn (indicherei solo le funzioni citate -non approfondirei le singole interfacce- su una base grafica mock-up di home page: la vera, attuale, è da migliorare in termini di presentabilità). Da fare 


Piattaforma token/smart contract: fare mock-up home page, dire che è integrata a sistema. Diremo solo che lo user indica gli elementi fondamentali, a fronte di ogni azione di contacting: codice attività, valore destinato ai token, elementi/action che chiudono lo smart contract. Indica queste cose nella funzione “addressment” del Dotconn 


Consulenza legal per adeguare T&C e Privacy Policy al nuovo modello Wallet e gestione decentralizzata. Da fare (una frase e un’immagine) 


Possibilità di aggiungere funzioni al wallet, quindi arricchendo l’app via wallet, senza costose riscritture dell’app di base=autonomia ed efficienza di costi Da fare (una frase e un’immagine) 

Il percorso di adozione della Community Empowerment Platform 

Step di realizzazione e ipotesi tempi? Da fare (vedi schema già pronto, che fa da riferimento)

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Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings. 


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Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings. 


Gli strumenti per le aziende…prima di CEP:

Wekosmos e Dotconn Engine: due strumenti fondamentali sviluppati da Hoda negli ultimi anni. 

Sono elementi fondamentali della Community Empowerment Platform ma le aziende possono acquistarli anche separatamente da essa, come già avviene 

Wekosmos (info in generale, modularità delle componenti dati, ruolo e uso a sé, ruolo e uso nella CEP: semplici frasi a topics)

Dotconn è il motore tecnologico e statistico che permette di creare le giuste connessioni tra gli asset di HODA e tra questi e gli asset del mercato